Computer Graphics Film Show -- SIGGRAPH Video Review

It’s time again to kick off our season of meetings with the annual computer graphics film show, featuring the latest and greatest computer animations direct from the ACM SIGGRAPH conference held this summer. Our expert commentator, Prof. Adam Finkelstein, will provide more information about the computer graphics techniques used in these films.

Adam Finkelstein is a professor in the Princeton University Department of Computer Science.  He is one of the organizers of the art of science exhibition at Princeton.  Finkelstein earned his masters and doctoral degrees from the University of Washington. His awards include the NSF CAREER Award and an Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship, and he is a Fellow of the ACM.

   Date: Thursday October 19, 2023, 8:15pm EDT
     (Note:  Refreshments and networking start early – at 7:30 pm.
       See the “Celebration of Mind” announcement below.)
   Place: HYBRID MEETING (both in-person and online)
   In-person: Friend Center Auditorium, Room 101
        Princeton University, 79 William St., Princeton NJ
   How to register for the online meeting:
     * Send email to
     * OR Register on (
   Information: Dennis Mancl (908) 285-1066
   On-line meeting notice:

Princeton ACM / IEEE Computer Society meetings for the 2023-24 season will be "hybrid." You have a choice: attend the talk in-person, or view the meeting online from home.  To join the online, you must register in advance, and you will receive an email with instructions for how to connect to the talk.

All Princeton ACM / IEEE Computer Society meetings are open to the public.  Students and their parents are welcome.  There is no admission charge, and refreshments are served.

No pre-meeting dinner before the October meeting... we will resume pre-meeting dinners beginning with the November 16 meeting.
Future Princeton ACM/ IEEE Computer Society Meetings

Thursday Nov. 16 - "The Real Case for Autonomous Vehicle Mobility," Alain Kornhauser, Princeton Univ.
Thursday Dec. 7 - "AI in Education: Implementation of ChatGPT at Khan Academy," Kristen DiCerbo, Khan Academy
No meeting in January 2024
Thursday Feb. 22, 2024 - TBA
Saturday Mar. 9 - ISEC 2024 (Integrated STEM Education Conference): see for full information
Friday Mar. 15 - IT Professional Conference at TCF (at College of New Jersey)
Saturday Mar. 16 - Trenton Computer Festival - TCF 2023 (at College of New Jersey): see for full information
Thursday Apr. 18 - "Lifelong Learning at the Edge: Algorithms and Foundations," Hava Siegelmann, Univ. of Massachusetts
Thursday May 16 - Climate Change Models and Assessing Coastal Impacts, Andra Garner, Rowan Univ.